Embracing Change: Do You?

WELCOME to my new blog series on change

Each of these blogs stands alone and also builds on the previous content.  We are individually and collectively undergoing change at a rate, frequency and magnitude new to our life time.  Why was I called to name my community (and website) All Embracing Change?  The vast parts of me that make up Barb Horn have a lot to say about change.  There are the parts that love it, seek it and even create drama to make change happen.  There are those parts that hate it, deny change happens and do everything in their power to keep the status quo, even if the other parts are miserable and screaming.   Other parts analyze it, sometimes to death, or wax on about how it is either good or bad but take no action one way or another.

We are surrounded by change every minute of every day

Our bodies are in constant change, digesting food, regulation blood and oxygen, nervous system and cells reacting to external stimuli and internal feelings and thoughts.  The sun rises and sets every day, the stars and planets are in constant motion.  You are healing in your sleep and even in death our bodies continue to change.  Everyone around us, including the environment is in a state of constant flux.  Change is the constant and yet we as humans work very hard to keep things the same. There is a part of our psyche that resists, denies and just wants a break from the constant change.

We know about life changes and those threshold moments that mean life is going to be different, from learning to talk and walk and that we have power, to graduating from school, earning an income, getting married, having children, big purchases, promotions, moves, divorces, deaths, accidents, health issues and so on. Some changes we look forward to and create and others seem to happen to us.

What about the power of the collective for change?

Changing paradigms that literally change the way the world thinks, behaves and operates and evolves.  To be part of that kind of change is exciting. Changes cultural norms, like smoking in public or picking up your dog poop, or the civil rights movement. Paradigm shift changes take decades.

I made a commitment to myself to claim all my power and live this life fully.  To be alive each and every day.  I realized, to be alive in this world, feel alive. If I am not comfortable with change then I cannot be comfortable with being alive.  Avoidance or worrying about change steals precious life energy for our well-being, living our passions, giving our gifts and authentically receiving others gifts.  We miss opportunities that change offers us, doorways to amazing, healing and joyful discoveries.

I haven’t been able to shake a comment one my mentor Caroline Myss said more than ten years ago, “it is not change we are afraid of but the rate of change”.  We are being called like no other times to learn to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.  We have inside each of us the ability, we just need to wake it up.    Learning to be truly alive means learning how to be with change and ultimately to thrive with it.

Embracing Change

You can make that choice right now, to work with the power of change and transform your relationship with change in order to live the life you dream of and came here to live.  Each month this blog will cover a topic and exercises on the way of change in order to embrace being alive.  We will cover:

  • Why change?
  • The story of change
  • The journey of change
  • Connection (a series)
  • Truth (a series)
  • Courage (a series)
  • Vision (a series)
  • Change and relationship to aging
  • Change and relationship to time
  • Thriving in change

Each blog is accompanied by a free complementary podcast.  The podcast this month introduces the four powers to navigate change.  Join us each month and dance, inquiry and evolve your relationship with change.  You can have an ageless body, a timeless mind, a resilient energy, a creative life where you look forward to the next change, the unfolding of life into more and more joy, beauty and brilliance.

Take time to listen to this recording on Four Powers to Navigate Change