Barb Horn

Hypnosis is not a replacement for psychotherapy, medical or other forms of treatment. Although Barb Horn is a Certified Hypnotherapist, licensed in the state of Colorado, she is not a doctor or psychotherapist and does not diagnose or treat mental or physical illness. Contact a physician or a licensed mental health professional if you need this kind of help.

However, the success rate for hypnosis, both clinical and alchemical, is very impressive. In a comparative study completed by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD and published in Psychotherapy Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1, the same degree of success for those in talk therapy (psychoanalysis) occurred for 38% after 600 sessions, for behavior therapy 72% after 22 sessions and for 93% for those using hypnosis after just 6 sessions.

This makes sense when you understand that hypnosis works directly with the center of all memories, beliefs and thoughts about who you think you are, what you should do and your ability to act. Your subconscious mind.  Hypnosis works in fewer sessions for a larger  and long term often permanent gain when the right practitioner is matched with the right client at the right time.  Psychotherapy and behavior therapy are working primarily with the conscious mind which still has all your filters, shoulds (other peoples agendas) and contaminated thoughts and beliefs blocking access to your truth.