Life has a bunch of mini beginnings and endings, death and rebirths.  Deaths, loss of health, job, relationship, home or dreams, a diagnosis, a move, someone elses move or change are all examples. These times are filled with mixed emotions, sadness, grief, guilt, anger, confusion, betrayal perhaps on the ending side and excitement, anxiety, fear, relief or joy perhaps on the beginning side.  Transitions can be long or short, messy and murky or clean and clear.  The point is to be with them in order to move through them, to take the good and leave any unnecessary baggage behind.

This is the process (not event) of surrendering and reclaiming and can feel absolutely chaotic and crazy and empowering at the same time.  Ceremony helps bring attention and voice to the various feelings during a transition and helps us let go before we likely can land where we are going. It is healthy and helpful to honor these times with focus and intention as they are preparing us for the new, even when it doesn’t feel that way.  Barb will help you create a letting go ceremony for your specific needs. Often these can be implemented by you alone or with a circle of dear ones.

Two SoulCollage©  cards to express the feelings around letting go while birthing the new.

I Am One Who Says Let It Go

I Am One Who Says Let It Go

 I Am The Author Of My Life

I Am The Author Of My Life