Barb Horn gets such great results for three reasons:


First, Barb does a pre-interview in which she determines whether or not she thinks hypnotherapy is a good fit for you right now and if she feels she is the right therapist for you. If for some reason she feels she cannot help you she will refer you to someone else. During this interview you also decide if there is a fit between your goals and what Barb offers.

Second, Barb provides options for a path forward and helps navigate possible underlying issues that might affect the outcome of your hypnosis session, assisting you in the highest likelihood of achieving your hypnosis goals. Alchemical hypnosis by its nature is designed for you to integrate what happens in a session into your daily life.

Third, Barb provides a safe. inspiring and when appropriate fun environment to do this sacred work.

Barb guarantees change happens when you show up for you. You know you best. Your body knows how to heal. her role is to help you bring that wisdom, power and knowledge back into your memory, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Will and desire along can’t always make the change we want or need. You are not meant to do this alone, so give yourself permission to receive assistance.