What: Four Archetypes, Three Chakra’s and SoulCollage©

This material was created for an online course that met five times.  The first time was an introduction and the following four classes were dedicated to one of four Archetypes we all have influencing our lives, Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute and Inner Child.  Package includes some overview material, depending upon your knowledge of the subject and SoulCollage©.  Each class introduces you to the Archetype, provides examples, a guided meditation to meet that Archetype and a journal prompt questionnaire after one has met the Archetype.

You don’t need SoulCollage©cards to take this class.  You may want to start making them for these Archetypes once you take the course.  Find information on SoulCollage© or how to make a card or other relevant resources.

Class Objectives include:

  1. Experience Have an intimate personal experience working with Archetypes / Council Members; specifically and how they “use” committee parts.  Tools and process used here can be applied to any Archetype.
  2. An opportunity to begin a relationship with the four primary archetypes of the lower three chakra’s, victim, saboteur, prostitute and wounded/adapted child.  Learn how to recognize how they show up in our lives and bodies, how to connect to their wisdom and gifts, what their role is, how to befriend them and empower your life.
  3. Tools and ideas to bring this concept, experience and work to their own facilitation groups

    You can purchase the entire package, use the materials and experience the course as well as provide it to others, acknowledging authors where appropriate.  A course outline, time/activity table is provide to facilitate flow of material for you.  You can also purchase one Archetype at a time and work with only one.

How you might use this material, which is timeless:

  1. In your own SoulCollage© practice. Listen to the classes and try the activities. There are four activities for each suit, that tallies to 16 activities to try.
  2. Bring an activity to your SoulCollage© group. Whether a beginning group or a veteran group, see if any of these activities spark new cards, new discoveries and surprises.
  3. Help other facilitators, especially those just starting, access options to expand their tool box at their pace as their own groups grow.
  4. Share back with Barb, additions, adaptations or other ideas to help the community grow!


Trained SoulCollage© Facilitators were the primary audience for this class, but many non facilitators have used the material successfully for their own growth. Learn how to become a certified Facilitator.

Purchase this Class in Parts or as a Whole:

Victim Archetype Package

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Product Details
Meet Your Victem Archetype

Archetypal energies are doing the collective conscious work. They use each of us to do their work. They are impersonal and don't really care about us but they are a primary influence on our lives, whether we are aware or not. They play out in our lives uniquely as we are all unique individuals. We have some archetype energy in common, including the victim. Getting to know how your victim archetype works in your life will help you minimize the times you become a victim and how long you stay in victim energy. In addition you can befriend your victim and use them as an ally. This package has resource material, a hypnotic recording and worksheet.

Purchase this package of guiding documents and a recording (.pdf and .MP3 files). This is one for a four part series in the class Four Archetypes, Purchase the entire series, four CD's save 50% and get a bonus course outline and overview to enhance facilitating with others.

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