How to make a SoulCollage® Card

1)      Find a thicker card stock, such as used or extra mat boards, poster board or even file folders work

2)      Cut out a 5 x 8 size

3)      Gather magazine’s, calendars, greeting cards, original art or photo’s that you can alter and cut

4)      Put your intention to the universe (if you are making a card for a specific energy) or make the intention to be open to what comes up.

5)      Sift through images and when you have any reaction to an image (yuk, mmm, wow or ewe) rip it out.  Don’t analyze or think, just rip.  At some point when your intuition says you have enough images, start collaging images on your 5 x 8 card.

6)      When it feels right, start gluing your images.

7)      Once complete, look at the images and be with them. Let them speak to you in their language. Every image on the card.  Utilize these starting points, “I am the one who is here to tell you, remind you, will be for you or something similar”.  There is no right or wrong, no English test, let the words flow, usually the first words are the most accurate. They only need to mean something to you.  This is card is a part of you, the deep rich, infinite essence of you.

8)      Tips:

    • Usually, (no rules) you have a larger image or two that provides a background that you then collage on, around, in.
    • You try and have only “one” energy on each card (that is why 5 x 8 is a good size, but use any size you want).  Such as your organizer, judge, rebel, inner healer, money miser, etc.
    • Usually you avoid words as they put you into your mind and might limit the “energy” of the card, but if it feels right go for it.
    • We don’t sell our cards and we say thanks to the artists whose images we use.  We share them with others, as they LOVE to be seen.


9)      Use this card now, when that energy is calling to you or you need it, bring it out, journal, ask it what it has to say about a specific situation.  Listen to your own wisdom.  When you heal we all heal.

10)   Share your card with Barb.  If you have any questions about the process contact Barb Learn more about the larger SoulCollage® Community, how to become a facilitator or find facilitator in your town.

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