Category Archives: Blog

The Brochure Didn’t Say THAT!

MGC15 (13 of 131)         MGC15 (34 of 131)         1IMG_3592

(Photo’s 1 and 2 compliments of L. Harris and 3 from S. Langston, that’s me underwater)

What do you get when 16 people spend 23 days floating on crafts that carry all they need down the Grand Canyon? You get an experiment in community. One does not embark on such an adventure without to be awed, changed or altered in some way. On the inside. A significant offering the Canyon provides, that words diminish when one tries to explain, is how the Canyon itself and the experience of community peel back layers of yourself, exposing your soul, leaving you feeling vulnerable and small and yet somehow part of something larger than yourself. Someone who has been given something special and must share it, through being. You don’t want to miss that part of the experience or resist receiving that gift, but you will try, it is human.

Let me explain.  The Grand Canyon as a geologic and hydrologic wonder full of beauty, history, paradoxes, adventure, excitement, calm and risk.  You are in wilderness for 280 river miles and decisions you make or don’t make can and do take lives.  The only people you may see are folks on the same journey (and sometimes that is no one).  No cell phone access only satellite phone in some places for emergency contact.  Evacuations are by helicopter, expensive and for life threatening emergencies.  It is the kind of experience you spend six or months planning, preparing and building expectations.  You have a map, ample food, water, first aid, safety and back up gear and clothing – and each other.  That’s it.

The Canyon is the classroom in which you and trip mates are the experiment.  Decisions each of you make impact the entire group and overall experience.  You put on the river as a group and must stay together through thick and thin until you take out because it is illegal to separate.  After ten trips, I believe 9 out of 10 trips would separate if it was legal.  Why?  The challenges that comes with being in the unknown, in community and in yourself all at the same time.  You don’t know what wonder is around the next bend and how to prepare, you have to trust.  You experience doubt, fatigue, anxiety, fear, adrenaline and a sense of lack of control.   And then you have to deal with the extrovert or introvert (whatever you aren’t), your dinner duty and/or the group member you just don’t get.   You may even realize you don’t like someone, even hate them and wish they would get evacuated.  You experiences many emotions and intensely at times.

The Canyon demands your attention and thus you spend long periods of time present, in the moment, which we can easily avoid in everyday life.  The group as a whole has to react and respond to, manage and confront the next thing.  While that may be a waterfall, a successful rapid run, a sweet hike, it also might be a flip (a boat full of gear turns upside down), an unintended swimmer, damaged equipment, an injury, illness, or a decision to make like where to camp or hike or eat lunch, or what to do about a group member(s) that disrupts the community dynamic beyond an acceptable level.

You can’t walk away literally or metaphorically (workaholic, check out with a device, keep moving so you never hear your inner voice, etc.).  You can show up and deal or resist and ignore. Both are choices, both have consequences for you and the group.  At the end you will be saying “I never thought I would….”  You will hear yourself tell stories about the amazing Canyon but also about all the people on board.  Sayings, phrases or songs you invented.  Events that happened and what folks did or didn’t do in response.   The experience of it all opens you up.  You will change, but not like you thought.  In your reflection you can list all the things that “were not provided in the brochure”.

This Grand Canyon community experience is just like everyday life. Distilling my life down to my own expectations, a dry bag, 16 people, five boats and 280 miles of wilderness is just the context for the day.  I have distilled my everyday life in the same way. Expectations based on my beliefs and stories of how I should be and feel and how others should act and feel.  My routines, habits, to-do-lists merge with my many communities.  I need to be present but I often get sucked into stories of the past, worries about the future and create drama by focusing on others instead of myself.  I don’t really know what is around the next bend but I create the illusion I am in control and directing my life, which erodes my trust muscles.  I want the “difficult” person, entity, agency, authority, situation to just evaporate so I will be okay.  But it doesn’t.  And I am still okay.

There are many elements that make a group dynamic in community high vibrating.  The obvious element is to have a common goal, in this case we all wanted a fabulous but safe adventure. This past trip was amazing and there were challenges on the river and in the group.  We were high vibrating though and I believe that is because of three key ingredients.  Ingredients I want to remember and bring to the remaining float down the river of my life, which I hope entails many years.

The three ingredients were:

1)      Verbalized, agreed upon community norms.  A group has norms, whether acknowledged or not.  We selected key items we all agreed upon at the beginning that we would do to keep group safety and harmonious.  This included acknowledging and valuing our differences as well as that we will feel something we don’t want to at times (scared, anxiety, anger, etc.) and that is okay.  We delegated group tasks so everyone had a role and a communication structure to share issues, concerns and to make group decisions.   We made these group norms the nucleus of our safety talk.  As it played out, we each had to make a personal sacrifice at various times for the sake of holding these group norms.  That is what it means to agree to a collective.

2)      Self-rescue, meant more than it usually does on river trips.  It usually means take care of your physical needs first if you can, don’t expect help and be resourceful.   We expanded that meaning to include taking care of your emotional and mental health as well, but within boundaries.  Hold yourself accountable, figure out what you are feeling and need and ask for it.

3)      Holding the group accountable.  Once our group’s dysfunction or dis-ease was out in the open. It was easy to make it about individuals.  You know that point in a community, it is who the gossip is about, who is getting blamed, etc.  And we did make it about a person, for a period.  If we continued down that path we would have had to confront more serious issues.  This is not to say, that individual did not have some accountability, they did, but they are one person in 16 to hold up group accountability.  Blame never produces a solution, it only solidifies status quo like super glue.  Conflict seems like it is about a person and a circumstance, but it never really is. It is always about something underneath the story.

We were brave enough, as a group (not some of us but all of us), to gather and put the elephants in center circle.   Step one.  That never usually resolves the issues.  Putting elephants in front of the group gives each individual permission to own their role and part in transforming what has been illuminated for them and bring that learning back to the whole.  It is being self-centered and focused for the wealth of the tribe, not for self-gain.  It takes leadership to create step one.  Step two, then is the group has to hold the individuals in the group accountable to the norms. Once the elephant is out, it requires the group to keep it in the herd.  If the group falls back on one person (leader or not) to enforce group agreements then the group is not owning itself yet and will continue to create drama until it does.

New friendships were made on this past trip and a few friendships are forever altered, maybe terminated.  Again, such as life.  We create relationships to have experiences we need, they need, and when they are done, we have the opportunity to release them gracefully or in drama.   What does gracefully mean?  Acknowledge we are at different places in our growth, and that is neither good or bad, right or wrong, just is.  I bless you on your path with your guides and I bless myself, we both count, even if I don’t get you and you don’t get me. Thank you for what you have given me and I wish you love and grace along your path.

We don’t have experiences to get over them.  We have them to be seen, to be heard, to feel something we need, to grow and evolve or to resist change and maintain status quo.  We create, invite, select, demand, and even attempt to control experiences.  Experiences are part of being in this body this life time.  We are never alone either, we always have ourselves, our guides, and our version of Source.  Thus, even experiences in solitude are in community.  We may feel alone, but that doesn’t mean we are. We are not our feelings.  We create community all the time at home.  Informally and formally.  A family, a soccer team, the neighborhood, a project, a club, a hobby, work teams, a group of workshop attendees as examples.   Life is one big community comprised of infinite smaller communities.

One gift the amazing, speechless Grand Canyon gifted me this trip, was that of conscious, intentional community.  I am keenly aware of my role, value and contribution, or lack of in all my communities.  I imagine this way of living in community could create amazing shifts in our world.  Since the trip, I have given myself permission to leave some communities, strengthen others and forge new ones, all with a sense of wonder, awe, trust and conscious intent.  These last few months, lunar and solar eclipses and the new moon in Scorpio, keep calling us to create and bring our unique gift to others, to collaborate and partner with others and to transform our inner stories and beliefs that keep us small and from valuing yourself in community.  What is your response?

To Change or Not To Change

To Change or Not To Change


Playing basketball for hours on end, ignoring the call for dinner.  Choosing to go hangout at a gym just to get a chance to play.  Asked to change my shot, work on my free throws or change anything related to basketball I did it.  Not because I was asked but because I wanted to be the best, playing basketball made me feel alive and really good about myself.  Fast forward to when I was fresh out of College and could no longer play anymore due to injuries.  I had to leave that passion behind and either suffer as a victim of my circumstances or change.

I chose change.  I reinvented myself as an expert in rivers and helping others fall in love with their river and create ways to protect and restore those waters.  After 25 years living this passion I am being called once again to change.   To re-invent myself.  To fall in love with myself yet another way.  What is my response?  Perhaps like you, my response is mixed.  A complicated, messy mix of resistance and excitement.  Sort of like simultaneously jumping off a cliff and hanging on for dear life (visualize an amazing athlete who can do both at the same time).

What has this looked like for others in my life?  Blaming and shaming, creating drama, confusion and lack of focus mixed with dreaming, creating, exploring, trying new things, collaborating and excitement which then ignites doubt, fear and more confusion.  My focus also gets mixed and messed up with what is happening outside of me.  Events in the world, economy, decisions and choices made by others for example that impact me.  Furthermore, I get to experience all of this.   I have not always chosen to embrace change along the way.

We all know that the only constant in life is change. And yet at times we resist change and other times we don’t?  Perhaps if we break down change in a way we see how it works, we can transform our fear and contraction around change and embrace it for what it is.

Here is my simple theory about change.  It involves that math symbol, > or <, greater than or less than and then what exists on either side.  Here is the equation for no change, status quo:


When our misery, what we tolerate and what we will settle for is energetically greater than our fear of the unknown and beliefs about ourselves and life if we change.   So, change doesn’t happen.  The focus is either worrying about the future (unknown) or clinging to what is (past).  Change happens when the energy shifts the sign:

Change happens when our emotions and energy around misery and tolerance is less than our fears.


How do we change the > to a <?  There are two ways.  First, we choose to change. We get sick or tired in some way of our misery, situation, what we are tolerating and settling for and focus on the unknown and what that brings up.  We focus on our dreams and the results of changing.  We challenge our beliefs about changing and replace them with our truth.  For example, instead of focusing on who did what to me or my circumstances, I focus on what I can do about it, what my needs are and challenging my beliefs about changing.  This is chosen change, at your pace and ability.

The second way the sign changes is forced.  By external events and people. This can be acute in nature and is a crises in nature such as losing a job or loved one, an illness or life changing injury or natural disaster like experiencing a flood or fire for example.  External can also happen in more subtle or a chronic pattern, such as losing money or lovers, unhealthy relationships, never landing the dream job, destructive habits or addictions  or other ways your spirit is smashed over time.  Either acute or chronic circumstances, you are forced into the unknown, forced to change at a time when you didn’t want to, didn’t know you needed to or don’t think you can or know how, but life is no longer the same.  This of course is why we hate change.

After a wakeup call, which side of the < or > you land on will depend upon your chosen response to the outside circumstance.  Life is not the same true, but you will either chose to return to old ways to restore them.  This will create more suffering. Or you will embrace the new door that has been opened and all it brings.

In either case, chosen or forced change, we are always on this path. Every moment of every day we are in the change game, like it or not, agree with it or not.  Just like gravity, the apple will fall to the ground if you let go, like it or not.  Your power lies in where you chose to focus.

Think of the left side as attached to the past and the right as worry about the future,  Any movement beyond worry, closer to change will bring up all inner fears, doubt and parts of you attached to the old ways.  You have the brilliance and skill to navigate this.  The power for change lies in what you chose to do right now.  What can you do right now within your circle of influence? Can you identify your own needs and focus on meeting those needs?  Can you seek to understand other’s needs independent of your own?

There is no one or perfect response. Honoring yourself will honor the other every time.  All Embracing Change is about supporting each other through the change game and falling in love with being change agents for good.  It is a privilege to be in this game with you!

To Change or Not To Change

Playing basketball for hours on end, ignoring the call for dinner.  Choosing to go hangout at a gym just to get a chance to play.  Asked to change my shot, work on my free throws or change anything related to basketball I did it.  Not because I was asked but because I wanted to be the best, playing basketball made me feel alive and really good about myself.  Fast forward to when I was fresh out of College and could no longer play anymore due to injuries.  I had to leave that passion behind and either suffer as a victim of my circumstances or change.

I chose change.  I reinvented myself as an expert in rivers and helping others fall in love with their river and create ways to protect and restore those waters.  After 25 years living this passion I am being called once again to change.   To re-invent myself.  To fall in love with myself yet another way.  What is my response?  Perhaps like you, my response is mixed.  A complicated, messy mix of resistance and excitement.  Sort of like simultaneously jumping off a cliff and hanging on for dear life (visualize an amazing athlete who can do both at the same time).

What has this looked like for others in my life?  Blaming and shaming, creating drama, confusion and lack of focus mixed with dreaming, creating, exploring, trying new things, collaborating and excitement which then ignites doubt, fear and more confusion.  My focus also gets mixed and messed up with what is happening outside of me.  Events in the world, economy, decisions and choices made by others for example that impact me.  Furthermore, I get to experience all of this.  I have not always chosen to embrace change along the way.

We all know that the only constant in life is change. And yet at times we resist change and other times we don’t?  Perhaps if we break down change in a way we see how it works, we can transform our fear and contraction around change and embrace it for what it is.

Here is my simple theory about change.  It involves that math symbol, > or <, greater than or less than and then what exists on either side.  Here is the equation for no change:



When our misery, what we tolerate and what we will settle for is energetically greater than our fear of the unknown and beliefs about ourselves and life if we change.   So, change doesn’t happen.  The focus is either worrying about the future (unknown) or clinging to what is (past). Change happens when the energy shifts the sign:



Change happens when our emotions and energy around misery and tolerance is less than our fears.


How do we change the > to a <?  There are two ways.  First, we choose to change. We get sick or tired in some way of our misery, situation, what we are tolerating and settling for and focus on the unknown and what that brings up.  We focus on our dreams and the results of changing.  We challenge our beliefs about changing and replace them with our truth.  For example, instead of focusing on who did what to me or my circumstances, I focus on what I can do about it, what my needs are and challenging my beliefs about changing.  This is chosen change, at your pace and ability.

The second way the sign changes is forced.  By external events and people. This can be acute in nature and is a crises in nature such as losing a job or loved one, an illness or life changing injury or natural disaster like experiencing a flood or fire for example.  External can also happen in more subtle or a chronic pattern, such as losing money or lovers, unhealthy relationships, never landing the dream job, destructive habits or addictions  or other ways your spirit is smashed over time.  Either acute or chronic circumstances, you are forced into the unknown, forced to change at a time when you didn’t want to, didn’t know you needed to or don’t think you can or know how, but life is no longer the same.  This of course is why we hate change.

After a wakeup call, which side of the < or > you land on will depend upon your chosen response to the outside circumstance.  Life is not the same true, but you will either chose to return to old ways to restore them.  This will create more suffering. Or you will embrace the new door that has been opened and all it brings.

In either case, chosen or forced change, we are always on this path. Every moment of every day we are in the change game, like it or not, agree with it or not.  Just like gravity, the apple will fall to the ground if you let go, like it or not.  Your power lies in where you chose to focus.

Think of the left side as attached to the past and the right as worry about the future,  Any movement beyond worry, closer to change will bring up all inner fears, doubt and parts of you attached to the old ways.  You have the brilliance and skill to navigate this.  The power for change lies in what you chose to do right now.  What can you do right now within your circle of influence? Can you identify your own needs and focus on meeting those needs?  Can you seek to understand other’s needs independent of your own?

There is no one or perfect response. Honoring yourself will honor the other every time.  All Embracing Change is about supporting each other through the change game and falling in love with being change agents for good.  It is a privilege to be in this game with you!

Super Bowl Game Gun Control versus Kids Safety

Result is kids loose, not one time but every time.  Pitting American’s right to bear arms against our children’s safety, all our safety, and kids will loose every time.  Every time.  No matter how much you say you love your children, or yourself or life, you will loose this battle.  Such an illogical, consistent result is a red flag that we are not asking the right question. The solutions being presented are also red flags that ignore, by choice, patterns that are irrefutable.

Such as violence begets violence, every time, even in the cases where it was the last resort. Violence is never the answer to peace, harmony and true safety, ever. It can’t be it is an opposite, it is not possible, anything short is an illusion we hang on to in order to justify our actions or beliefs.  If we arm our schools staff with guns, even kids with guns, what about all the other supposedly safe havens, movie theaters, churches, malls, parks and restaurants?

And then we are a militant state that looks no different than those countries we go to war with or condemn because they are not democracies like us.  All we create is a population that now has to fear our own government takeover (to justify having guns) and every one I see on the street.  We don’t need more fear, we need to move in the opposite direction. We have been living in fear for centuries and we are living and suffering the consequences today. One cannot allow, for new ways and ideas, if one is in fear and contracted.  Any solution that fosters and fuels separation is not a solution, no matter how you try and justify it, second amendment or any other.

There is no one answer, pill or direction that will solve this.  If you force me to start the solutions from this low vibration of guns versus kids, here is what I propose:

Six Steps to End Violence with Automatic Weapons

  1. Background Check Payments. Require all background checks on any gun, and the must be paid for by the purchaser.  We require teachers to pay for their own background check, why are my tax dollars paying to approve your purchase?  Funds from this support the following recommendations.
  2. Get real about the 2nd Amendment, all you regardless of your position.  Update it for today’s reality.  If we took each amendment literally we would not have a predictable safe society.  We all have a right to own a car. We all have a right to drink as much alcohol as we want.  At some point those two in combination made our roads unpredictable and safe. It took one mother to loose a child and start MADD, to force society to make a sacrifice on our rights in order to provide a safe and predictable community.  We lived. We can still own a car or not. Still drink as much as we want.  If we combine the two in appropriately there are stiff penalties.   We are at the same point with automatic weapons designed to kill people, sacrifice for the good of the whole is required and will not come about by those who can only see their right out of context with the entire community’s rights.  Kids cannot compete with that, nor should they compete with adults who are supposed to be protecting them, not bargaining their risk against their selfish desires.
  3. Buy back.  A serious by back campaign for guns designed to kill people in war.  All sales cease for public to purchase these guns.  Penalties are stiff enough to support and enforcement is as well.  All Americans fund it no matter what the price and we commit to it until it is done.  If folks want to try these out, join the military where you are trained to use them under specific circumstances.  Otherwise, make that sacrifice for a predictable safe society, really you can do it.  Two thirds of the population live in poverty and can’t feed their children, get over yourself, our future is not about you, it is about us.  It has worked in Australia if one is willing to view the data with an open mind.
  4. Control ammunition. If somehow we still allow this atrocities ot be manufactured and available to citizens, then make the cost of ammunition so high, it is cost prohibitive for most of the mentally ill, criminals (the “other” guys) pay for them, along with the background checks of course.  Yes, that is an unfair tax, but so is loosing a child so you can have a luxury useless weapon in your gun cabinet, just because you can.  And since you can’t control when a lunatic will shoot at my child you should have a really high bar to owning a killer tool.  If it means that much to you to own it, you will find a way.  Chris Rock had it right, “bullet control. That way if Johnnie gets shot by a diamond bullet, you know he was a high ranking dude.”
  5. Service.  In addition to a background check and high cost ammunition, potential assault rifle owners have to serve one year of service in 1) a facility or program that assists mentally challenged individuals, the kind of mental illness that does not send people to prison or residential facilities (good luck finding one) or 2) a family of a shooting victim.   Background checks fund the matching program; all work with these families is donated and tracked.  Care for these individuals’ falls on families who don’t have the skill, knowledge or resources to provide proper help and thus society pays.  Come on, it is only a year and you might learn something or make a friend, and you would really demonstrate your concern about the lack of care for these people. Just think if they got help, no more shootings and you could have even more assault weapons!
  6. Mental Challenges.  We start to value children, teachers and mentally challenged people as real people, who count and are valued in our society. Currently, you only count if you are between 20 and 60 years of age and able to work and thus consume. If you are younger or older, or in that age but challenged to the degree you can’t operate at the going pace, you don’t count.  Period and true. If we valued children we would have systems and programs in place that made sure their time in the womb and first five years of life were the healthiest and nurturing as that is the best indicator of them succeeding as we want in life.  We would pay teachers what NFL quarter backs get versus less than the janitor at your office.  This issue is way beyond gun carriers. It is an American, global and human issue.  Until we get this right, innocent children will continue to pay the price.

Will this cost, sure it will. We are paying a price right now that is increasing.  You tell the mother or father of a child killed by a gun that there kid’s life is not worth it.  Anything short of real change is forcing more sacrifices.

So what is the real question if it is not guns versus kids?  The real question is how can we take care of each other so there is no need to have guns designed the kill humans?  This is the true debate, one that few are willing to have and work through, but until that is answered, all other questions are distracting and dead ends. When that is answered however, we will laugh at the current debate, recognizing it for what it is, ludicrous.

Barb Horn,

Check out this 20 minute Video about the paradigm shift we are in!


Sign up for the New Moon Class

Go Ahead Mr. President, Whoever You Are

As I sit here the eve of this election night. I am first grateful for the right to vote, knowing that women died and suffered to earn this right and never got to vote. But second, I sit here with all media off, committed to staying out of the vibration of fear. Letting go of whoever is the winner isn’t my business, it is the business of wisdom much larger than my small brain can handle. Letting in trust.  If I want my fellow Americans to stop acting from fear, then I have to stop myself.  Thus, it doesn’t matter who wins tonight, the work that needs to be done is inside me and you. Yes, whoever that is will have a big task at hand and it is the same as our task.

I could spew out my version of what is wrong with America, but I won’t.  There are many symptoms the latest manifested in our election system. We have turned that sacred process into a football game, focusing on getting a win but loosing site of the season and the lives of the players and fans.  We find ways to spend, according to one statistic about 936 million dollars on correspondence to tell you what to think.  That sends me on another highway, the one where I thought we had no money as a country.  We do, plenty of it.  We haven’t learned that money doesn’t buy happiness, even though the illusion is there.   Our wounds are much deeper and more complicated than money can fix.

We know we are not our property, status, positions, titles, houses and jobs. We are so much more. All of these are given to us so we can give back, serve.  The shadow side of this, the asleep side are those who gain possessions, titles, status and such and now think they have to defend it, protect it, hoard it, for if they don’t they will lose it all and then who would they be?  What would their life have been about?  You won’t even notice these behaviors because we are very sophisticated at this, but it is living out of fear never the less.  And real solutions never come from fear.  We know intellectually that when we die, none of this material stuff comes with us. We die like we live.

Why doesn’t it matter who wins tonight?  From the larger perspective, there are good people, heart centered people in a broken system that we call Washington DC, our government or our political system.  And until we the people change the system, real change, the kind we are all yearning for regardless of our party affiliation, will not happen.  It is a universal law like gravity.  All that is wrong with America can be found with what is asleep, out of whack in each of us.   Our outer world is a mirror of our inner world. We have tried so hard to find our differences we no longer look for similarities or common ground.

Each of us in our own way has contributed to this great separation. It is a separation of our hearts from our minds. This separation is reflected in every system, political, economic, education, social, health and environment.  It is the opposite of the truth, that there is no separation. The harder we try and make it, the more we suffer.   This is the beauty of natural disasters, which I wish on no community.  They are the great equalizers.  Storms, fires, tornadoes, tsunamis and earth quakes don’t separate who they hit, they hit all of us, Republican or Democrat, gay or heterosexual, legal or illegal citizen, white and black, fat and skinny, healthy and ill, natural disasters strike all humans.  And our response?  Is to unite, recreate community, restore, collaborate, and come together. It is instinctual because it is our natural way of being with each other.

Every ounce of energy that was spent this election telling us how to think and why so and so is bad, wrong or fill in the blank. Every time I or you repeated such things, we gave up our power, we created separation for the game, for the moment and put someone in a box and put ourselves in a box.   We created a separation from our own truth.  Perhaps more important than voting would be to find someone who disagrees with your solutions and sit down and listen.  Not for agreement, but just for understanding, another art we have lost in public discourse.  Understanding is not agreement, it is simply, I understand you and you understand me.

We will always have judgments about others that is what humans do; it is a technology we have wired inside us.  It is not the judgment; it is what we do with it.    Judgments, like feelings are there to tell us where we need to focus, what inside of us needs attention.  They are the opportunity to look inward and see what you are attached to that you can let go of now.  The stronger the judgment the bigger the mirror, the greater the reward.  If you find yourself reacting to this blog, that is a place for you to start.  Judgments not used as a mirror to look inward, but used to make your case, support your position, demonize and make others wrong or bad is what in the extreme causes and rationalizes wars and actions such as murder, slavery and rape. .

So, whoever is our next president will just be taking us down a path of awakening.  Awakening that there is no “place or times or ways of being, systems or policies” that will save us.  Only we can save ourselves.  If we do our inner work, then we will no longer tolerate football politics. When we operate from a place of power versus fear, we will create new and better ways of doing everything that honors everyone.  It is already happening if you look around.  As they say in France, the government is afraid of the people so we listen, in America, the people are afraid of the government, so the people are manipulated.  I am done with fear.  Go ahead Mr. President, do your best, but know I know the real work starts here in my own heart.