Quit Smoking

Barb’s approach to quitting smoking to develop a personal plan to fit your situation and goals. A personalized approach is most effective, contact Barb now, or schedule the first session below.

Many people who have stopped smoking start again, even if stopped using hypnosis. That is becuase many programs do not address the needs of the parts of you that need and want to smoke, they just change your subconscious program. When your situation changes, those parts need more and start smoking again. Barb’s approach is:

  • To understand your desire to quit and the needs of parts that are smoking
  • Needs of parts that want to quit
  • Develop a program to manage your blood sugar and diet to assist with cravings and potential weight gain
  • Accesses your inner body wisdom guide to identify any health issues that need attending in this journey

She goes for quitting in one session and if remaining parts still need to smoke, sessions two and three address their needs.  Personalized recordings are provided for in between sessions. It is a recipe for success. Your health and future depend upon it!  Payment Plan is an option. Start now, contact Barb